Delivering Expertise in the Unclaimed Asset Location and Judgment Recovery arena.

When you select Insight Recovery Group to recover lost or unclaimed assets on your behalf, we manage the entire process and handle every detail.  Once we receive your signed authorization, we gather all the necessary information and documents, complete the required forms and submit the claim to the asset custodian(s).

We have handled countless claims and understand every nuance of the process. Claims can be complex and asset holders may put up roadblocks to prevent successful asset recovery.  We understand the delays and how to work around obstacles.  In short, Insight Recovery Group does everything necessary to recover your funds in the fastest, most efficient manner possible.  Remember, we receive no money for our work until your claim is settled and you receive your money, so you can rest assured that we will move quickly and thoroughly to ensure your success.  Along the way, we maintain close contact and remain available to answer any questions you might have.

Lifecycle of an Unclaim Property Claim:

1. Locating Assets: Insight Recovery Group’s highly trained individuals locate dormant assets and unclaimed funds from a multitude of sources.

2. Identifying Parties of Interest: Our research analysts review volumes of private and public documents to determine which parties, businesses, individuals, and estates have rights to the assets or funds.

3. Locating Clients: Our highly trained team of research professionals, skip tracers, and private investigators use every tool available to locate our clients.  We utilize several subscription databases, online public record databases and have even knocked on the doors of relatives and former neighbors to find our clients.

4. Contact by Claims Manager: Each party of interest is assigned to one of our claims managers, who determine the most effective way of claiming the funds.  The claims manager then prepares a simple contractor-agent agreement outlining the terms of the transaction.

5. Preparing and Submitting Claims:

      A. Document preparation: Once a party of interest agrees to become a client of Insight Recovery Group, our claims processor prepares all documents, pleadings, declarations and affidavits required to document the rights to the assets or funds.
     B. Delivery of documents to client: Our claims processor then arranges to have the documents delivered to the party of interest to be executed and returned to Insight Recovery Group.
     C. Claim assembly and quality control: Once the documents are returned, the claim package is assembled. It then goes through two additional quality control levels before it is filed with the holder of the assets or funds.
     D. Notification that the claim has been filed: A confirmation call will inform our client when the claim was submitted and approximately when to expect payment.

6. Determination and Payment of Claim:

We will notify you when the asset holder approves your claim. Once those funds are received, we will forward a check to you with a customer survey.

We look forward to serving you.


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